Colored Party Series: The New Fashion & Lifestyle rendezvous from Douala to Abidjan

Colored Party Series: The New Fashion & Lifestyle rendezvous from Douala to Abidjan

Colored Party Series: The New Fashion & Lifestyle rendezvous from Douala to Abidjan

Colored Party Series: The New Fashion & Lifestyle rendezvous from Douala to Abidjan

With The Met Goes Green on February 13th 2022, Douala couldn’t just take a break from lifestyle and lavish parties. Colored Parties will from now be a private events’ series, all year long between Douala and Abidjan, Ivory Coast. The next edition on date, is The Purple Reign : A shades of purple & royalty themed-party, designed and curated by Jim-Kevin Moukoury (Creative Director at Rec.reativity Agency), powered by the vermouths & sparkling wines global brand Martini®.

The Purple Reign just like the previous and upcoming events, will aim to be “connecting lifestylers and brands on a creative ground”, to generate hype through content, activations and social media community interest. The guests’ list includes digital creators, influencers and creative entrepreneurs, gathered to settle into a party space like no other. 

Colored Party Series: The New Fashion & Lifestyle rendezvous from Douala to Abidjan

For the Purple Reign, guests are to be put in the center of it all. From music live performances, fashion parades, dj sets, toast bar, food corners and signature cocktails, the moment is to be easily described as lifestyle at its peak.

“I believe an industry like ours—because that’s what it is, filled black young and thriving creators, should have more platforms to engage with each other, create space for more expression, more life. That’s how an industry grows, and crosses borders. Doing all that with brands that care is key and adds so much value too.” says Moukoury.

We’re indeed excited to see all the fashion moments and content from this new colored edition.

Colored Party Series: The New Fashion & Lifestyle rendezvous from Douala to Abidjan

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