That's it, after the dazzling success of season 1 and 2, Ebenezer Kepombia better known by the name of « Mintoumba » does not stop there. The Madame Monsieur serie returns to the small screen from July 15 on A+ and A+ ivoire. For its big comeback, the show honors new actors such as: Ivana Ononino , Rosine Ngemgaing, Lyno Ayzen and many others. Without however forgetting the presence of our valuable actors: Patrick Oyonce, Noëlle Kenmoe, Muriel Blanche, Daniel Nsang, Rigobert Tamwa, Rachel Nkontieu, Hortavie Mpondo, Julia Samantha, Hervé Ngeutch, Alain Tenzon, Sounnamith Emilda , Urielle Miadi and Mintoumba.
For this third season, Ebenezer Kepombia has thrown in new blood by adding new faces which will in turn enhance the prestige of this fiction which has already conquered a large number of people. A success which has also been hailed beyond the borders thanks to the originality of the scenario which depicts certain realities of African societies. This season promises to be even more thrilling than the last because it will put an end to the long-awaited suspense for several months.
Let’s stay tuned !
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