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Tags : bons plans

Les bons plans de la St Valentin

Les bons plans de la St Valentin

La Saint Valentin, cette fête qui célèbre l’amour, mais aussi celle-là qui cause beaucoup de tracas aux uns et aux autres, surtout aux hommes haha. Idées de cadeaux, bons plans de sorties, etc. C’Koment vous suggère la crème de la crème pour passer cette journée dans les meilleures conditions.…

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Et si on découvrait Singapore ?

Et si on découvrait Singapore ?

Getting out of Vietnam after three months in Ho chi minh city felt like breaking out of jail, i was sooooo happy to just leave the vietnamese sun, traffic jam, pollution , stare games and finally starting on my journey, I was on and rolling. So I first decided to drop in SIngapore as it is a 2 hours flight and I also had a high school friend residing there, which m…

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